Si son profil vous intéresse, contactez-le sans plus tarder. Recherche poste Assistante personnelle, Assistante administrative

Assistante personnelle, Assistante administrative

Candidat anonyme

With over a decade of professional experience spanning various roles and sectors, I am a versatile and multilingual professional capable of efficiently managing both the business and personal affairs of high-profile individuals.

My core competencies encompass management, communication, and a keen intercultural awareness. I am deeply passionate about providing unwavering support to entrepreneurs, celebrities, and CEOs in realizing their visions, projects, and goals while infusing a wealth of diverse perspectives and experiences into the process.

I work as a Luxury Lifestyle Manager for an ultra-high-net-worth individuals (UHNWI), where I oversee a wide spectrum of tasks and responsibilities. In this executive role, I act as the primary point of contact, orchestrating various aspects of both their professional and personal life. This includes diary management, administration, office management, estate management, finance & accounting, staff management, scheduling meetings, coordinating events, making travel arrangements, and handling all household staff, liaisons with drivers, security, housecleaning team, handymen, and gardeners. I also facilitate gift procurement, oversee online shopping, manage art collections, act as a family liaison, among other managerial duties.

Oftentimes, I offer support and guidance in crystallizing a vision, executing projects, identifying the right individuals, and building effective teams.

Simultaneously, I dabbled in Real Estate transactions in Ibiza, primarily assisting friends and acquaintances. Navigating the unique challenges of the real estate market in Ibiza provided me with valuable insights into the importance of adaptability and resilience in fast-paced and competitive environments.

My primary language of operation is English, and I am proficient in French, Spanish, and Portuguese. Furthermore, I possess a fundamental understanding of Italian, German, and Swedish. My professional ethos is characterized by a positive attitude, and I am highly adaptable and capable of working across a wide spectrum of tasks and responsibilities with international clients.

Email: Emilie. delz@gmail. com
Phone: +34 600 60 95 38

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