Si son profil vous intéresse, contactez-le sans plus tarder. Recherche poste Assistante personnelle, Assistante administrative

Assistante personnelle, Assistante administrative

Candidat anonyme

Dear reader,

After many years working in high level hospitality, I have learned numerous skills, which I believe could be shifted to honorably assist an important person or a group of people.

During my experiences, I have developed a tight organization, planning and overseeing multiple affairs, administrating equipment, taking care of the contractors and providers, coordinating services, managing technical issues, following up procedures and progress, guiding employees.

In my last two experiences, as an Assistant Manager, I took care of all the logistics affiliated to a department. It went from managing all the office supply and material, managing all the food/beverage/amenities stocks, planning the daily/weekly/monthly organization, handling technical issues, supervising budgets, overseeing the implementation of the organization and regulations, creating and administrating documentation. Throughout these experiences, I took care of everything environment related, while I answered to every customer request and deliver service.

Working in luxury hospitality has given me a strong sense of details. I have developed a multitask management, processing unexpected problems, conducting all matters and logistics. I proudly represented the companies I worked for, maintaining business effective, elegant, and discreet.

I would be delighted to discuss my experiences in a personal interview.

I look forward to meeting you.

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