Gouvernante, Nanny

Christine DANGLES

Versatility & challenge have always been the common thread in my professional & personal life. For the past 30 years, I have been working in a fantastic range of activities with equal commitment & energy (Human Resources, Governance, House Management, Teaching, Mentoring, site & logistics Supervision). Through this diversity, I’ve sharpened my sense of priorities, perseverance, ability to think proactively & in a structured way. My international experience has developed a great flexibility to changes, a natural ability for communication, understanding tailored to different working methods & family lifestyle. I practice my profession with passion, empathy, fairness & loyalty.
I’m a reliable dynamic person with a positive state of mind. I know how to take initiatives & to apply decisions quickly.
I carry out my missions with a keen sense of detail. I manage the tasks entrusted to me with rigour & kindness. Discretion & confidentiality are an integral part of my DNA.
Besides, very involved and sensitive to the field of education, I created & led workshops for children, teenagers & adults in search of life projects & self-confidence. I can combine patient, intuitive observation & relevant analysis in one posture.
I worked as a Human Resources Director in a start-up in biotechnology (Paris) during 7 years. This was a new challenge for me when I was offered the position. My multitasking attitude guided lights in this job as it always did in my whole job history. This position was also an exciting journey because it allowed me to put forward what I like to do most: to find out solutions to any issues. One of my strengths is to be able to assume extensive responsibilities in different fields. I left this position because it no longer allowed me to express this skill as much as I wished.
I left the start-up to take a one-year-training course as a Director of a medical-social establishment. An opportunity that arose in my life and it is enriching a world that was unknown to me until now. It's a fascinating world that spans all the ages and twists and turns of life. A wonderful human experience.
I'm looking for new professional challenges.
I can speak French (native), English & Russian fluently. German under improvement (I have a A2 level aiming to B1 depending on future professional requirements).
I’m available from March 2025.
Feel free to contact me.

Gouvernante, Nanny
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