Chef privé, Cuisinier


Hello. I’d love to introduce myself. My name is Sean Archange and I am a hard working, motivated, multitasking, talented kitchen sole chef ‘allrounder’ from New Zealand currently living and based in the south of France.

I believe I have what it takes to bring my high end restaurant head chef, and private yacht chef experience to a private home environment to work intelligently alongside the rest of the team to create an overall memorable experience for the principles.

Piles of dishes, dirty floors and new and interesting staff meals (to keep the troops happy!) are all in a days work for me, as well as overseeing and organizing the entire kitchen operation, creating exciting, seasonal and colorful menus with the owner that change daily, working off premise for private events and ensuring the smooth running of each and every live service. I specialize in European Asian fusion cuisine with a skill for patisserie, however, I am also an adaptable, flexible chef who can cook a variety of different cuisines.

I really believe that I excel in what I do. I am a very talented, creative, hardworking, NO drama chef, and I hold a strong passion for what I create and deliver to both guests and staff. Working in a team is nothing new to me, and being able to bounce ideas (kitchen related or not) off of one another is a crucial element in team success.

Chef privé, Cuisinier
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