Domestic couple Bavaria Germany

Offre d'emploi publiée le 13/01/2025

Référence :
Poste :
Couple d'employés de maison
Contrat :
Lieu :

We are a young family looking for a Domestic Couple to work with us in Augsburg, Germany. The Couple must have experience in large houses, be child friendly, dog friendly, and enjoy maintaining homes and gardens.

We live in a historic castle, so although the primary role is daily housekeeping of common areas, we are looking for a Domestic Couple that knows how to manage large homes, is organized, has an eye for detail, know how to structure their days efficiently, and can help us when welcoming guests a few times a year (i. e. preparing guest rooms, and serving the table with proper protocol)

- Daily cleaning and maintenance of the house for young couple with 1 baby
- Laundry
- Cooking - daily lunch & dinner (simple and light, not formal)
- Occasionally cooking for guests (~5 times per year)

Necessary experience
- Driver’s license
- Taking care of babies or children
- Cooking
- Laundry
- Protocol for setting & serving the table, especially for guests
- An eye for detail and organization
- Friendly

Good to have:
- Language: English, German or Spanish
- Gardening –– we have a full time gardener and a full time maintenance man, but it is a large property and this experience, especially gardening, would be great
- Maintenance experience –– small repairs
- Flexibility, if we travel, be willing to take care of our dog occasionally on weekends.

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