Nanny, Aide ménagère


Good day to all the employers
My name is charmain I'm 39 yrs old I have 2 daughters and one son. I am a catholic. i live in Philippines but currently working here in Hongkong as domestic worker. I am 2 yrs vocational graduate.
My work experience as domestic helper are as follows
I worked in Kuwait as domestic worker yr 2014-2016
Main duty is to taking care of baby, cleaning the house, laundry, washing dishes
I worked in Malaysia as domestic worker yr 2016-2018
Still same duties Nd responsibilities.
Lastly I worked here in Hongkong as domestic worker yr 2019-2022.
I apply again yr 2024 and still currently here in Hongkong.
To all the prospective employers pls choose me to be one of your worker I promise to do my duties and responsibilities. . I also promise to follow your rules and regulations. Thank you.

Nanny, Aide ménagère
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