Assistante personnelle, Estate manager

Elizabeth KREMER

An American living in France for 23 years I have been able to integrate the world of Executive & Personal Assisting, as well as office & property management. Domains in which I now have over 22 years of experience assisting high-level, executives and private clients in the International arena. These opportunities have allowed me to work in diverse environments with a very privileged clientele. From the fast-paced corporate world to the luxury design and arts world, to government and HNW personalities.

Having acquired a diverse skill set over the years, within my roles I have been able to use my competences in operations and logistics, hospitality, communications, event planning, budget forecasting, project management. . . to name a few.

Being a hands-on, detailed person combined with my relational ease and spirit of initiative I am looking for a unique opportunity. A multi-faceted role that would allow me to showcase my Executive as well as my Personal assisting experiences and skills.

Assistante personnelle, Estate manager
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