Tuteur, Gouvernante

Fatoumata DIALLO

I'm passionate about working with children and fostering their creativity. Whether it's through music, theater, or dance, I believe in providing kids with opportunities to explore and express themselves.

With a bachelor's degree in English and a TEFL certification, I've had the privilege of working with families privately and teaching French and English in various international schools across the UK, Spain, France, and Switzerland.
For me, teaching languages goes beyond just grammar and vocabulary. It's about creating engaging and interactive experiences that spark curiosity and make learning enjoyable. Each child has their own unique strengths and interests, and I'm dedicated to providing a supportive environment where they can thrive and develop confidence.

I see myself as a guide and mentor, helping children navigate their educational journey with enthusiasm and encouragement. My goal is to instill a love for learning and empower each child to reach their full potential.
I'm excited about the opportunity to make a positive impact in the lives of the children I work with and to inspire them to explore the world around them through language and creativity.

Tuteur, Gouvernante
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