Styliste, Couturière


Stylist & Personal Shopper at your service

With a specialised service for the (re)organisation and computer registration of your private wardrobe, along with expert styling advice and personal shopping services, I am here to elevate your fashion experience.

Specialised services include:

Wardrobe Organisation: Streamlining, designing and organising your wardrobe for easy access and optimal use.
Computer Registration: Digitally cataloguing your wardrobe for quick reference and outfit planning.
Expert Styling Advice: Personalised styling assistance for an optimal look at any occasion or event.
Personal Shopping : Private shopping experience tailored to your fashion needs and desires,
in the comfort of your home if preferred.
Specialising In: High end fashion, bespoke tailored, custom-made, and Haute-Couture.

With over 30 years of experience, and a wealth of expertise from haute-couture fashion houses in Paris, the music industry in London, and Royal and VIP clients worldwide.

providing management of your wardrobe with the utmost care and professionalism.

Wardrobe Manager, Stylist & Personal Shopper
Cannes, France

Styliste, Couturière
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