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Chef privé, Chauffeur

Candidat anonyme

https://sergichef. com/

Dear Family,

I am a Spanish Private Chef who lives in Zürich, Switzerland with more than 20 years of experience in 5* luxury hotels, Michelin restaurants and private UHNW fami

I am very versatile, I can cook from the most traditional dishes to the most sophisticated and from different countries, Spain, Italy, France, Switzerland, Mexico, vegetarian, healthy, etc. and of course my own creations to surprise clients and guests.

I am 48 years old, single and without children and without a partner, so I can adapt with total flexibility to travel with clients when necessary. I don't have tattoos, piercings, etc. I'm not a smoker either. I am very disciplined and educated, super discreet.

Receive a cordial greeting,

Saludos desde Zürich,

Sergio Martínez

Private Chef
Zürich, Switzerland
+41 78 954 20 20
sergichef@hotmail. com

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