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Auxiliaire de vie, Aide ménagère

Candidat anonyme

I'm merciful and honest with great information on older consideration, cleaning, youngster care, Quick to help client with their everyday residing inside a consideration home settings. I have insight in finishing food readiness, housekeeping administration and an individual consideration obligations. A reasonable comprehension of consumer loyalty and preparing in client service and portrayal. Propelled to learn, develop, and succeed in any association. Adjust well to difficulties, open to learning, and persistently evolving circumstances. Certain and useful under tension. Make a positive effect and make extraordinary commitments to the achievement and development of any association that empowers elevated degree of incredible skill, capability and difficult work. Constant assistance proficient with exhibited outcome in day to day obligations. Spry and receptive to dynamic clients needs and ecological circumstances. Group arranged and dependable with master care support information, clear verbal and composed relational abilities.

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