Nanny, Maternity nurse


I am a caring and creative Nanny and Maternity Nurse from Ireland with an EU passport. I have over 10 years international child care experience from 7 countries in a range of different settings. My recent roles include working as a High Net Worth Nanny in Paris, Monaco and Barcelona. I am currently working with 11 month old twins, a 4 year old and 5 year old I have experience working with newborns right up to 17 years old. I have experience working sole charge, shared care, proxy parenting, allergies, twins, weaning, potty training, bottle feeding, newborns, reflux, tongue-tied, babysitting, homeschooling, ski trips, yacht trips. I have a BA degree in Social Care Practice which focused largely on Child Developmental Psychology, Abnormal Psychology and Play Therapies. I have a keen interest in art and love creating sensory activities to help develop babies and children's fine motor skills. I have carried out two volunteer programs in Cambodia, working in an orphanage and in a center for homeless children.

Nanny, Maternity nurse
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