Nanny, Housekeeper

Confidential candidate

I'm 27yrs old kenyan currently working in middle east as a nanny. I'll be able to travel from end of April as that will be the time I'll finish my contract with my current employer. . I have good experience as a nanny and a babysitter for more than 4yrs now, been taking care of children of ages 0_15 yrs and helped with light household chores ie:
**cooking breakfast
**preparing the kids to school
**changing dipers and bathing the kid
**preparing food and washing dishes
**playing with kids and engaging in creative activities
**making their beds and cleaning their rooms
**vacuum the house
**taking the kid to the daycare and picking him up
I really love working with kids as I find it rewarding, I love playing with them as it makes me active and happy. **I'm a friendly responsible person who you can rely on
**I'm an understanding person
**caring and attentive to kids
**time manager
**hardworking and does work with great commitment
I'm a person you can trust your kids with and I'll take care of them as they are my family.

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