Private chef, Private chef, Private chef, Sommelier, Sommelier, Sommelier

Confidential candidate

Employment History
Head Sommelier, Cucinamari, Palermo, Italy
October 2024 — December 2024
Recommending customers select wine pairings, procuring and managing wines
from all over the world, and conducting the wine service.
Training Chef & Wine Advisor, Javea Company, Javea, Spain
May 2024 — June 2024
Training chefs and elaborating menusfor authentic Italian food. Procuring Italian
wines for the restaurant opening.
Restaurant Manager, Pasta, Amore & Guacamole, Palermo, Italy
July 2011 — April 2024
Also worked as a chef and sommelier
Executive Private Chef, VIP clients, Italy, France, Germany
July 2021 — May 2024
Working as a full time private chef for VIP clients across Europe including for
Prince Von Baden at the family castle in south Germany (Salem). Organising,
preparing and cooking the menus for special events during summers, Christmas
times and parties.
Chef of cooking classes/TV shows, radios, social media, Univision, TV
Azteca, Totalplay, Mexico, USA
October 2018 — July 2021
Teaching authentic Italian cuisine with cooking classes. Some classes are on my
Youtube channel Chef Flaviano Sforza.
TV shows in American, Mexican and Italian TV and radio channels with recipes
and gastronomic stories
Executive Chef/Owner/Sommelier/ restaurant manager, La Piccola
Sicilia, Cancún, Mexico
September 2018 — April 2019
Managing and cooking creative and authentic Italian and Mediterranean cuisines
Executive Chef/Owner/Sommelier/Restaurant manager, Sicilia in
Bocca, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
July 2009 — July 2012
F&B area kitchen and wine services. Italian Cuisine.
Private Chef, private clients, USA, Holland, Mexico, Italy
May 2009 — June 2020
Cooking and creating Italian and Mediterranean gastronomic emotions for private
clients, Catering services, training chefs.
Master of Science, London School of Economics, City of London
September 1999 — September 2000
Graduated in Sociology as Master of Science in London, UK
Laurea degree, Università di Palermo, Palermo
November 1992 — June 1998
Graduated in Philosophy
WSET (Sommelier certificate), Degustibuss/WSET

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