House manager, Governess

Confidential candidate

Dear Madame/Sir,

I would like to share my profile in case there is an opportunity for a possible future collaboration with your company.
I'm interested in applying for a Hoyse Manager role.

I've been working in luxury hospitality for the past 14 years. The last 3 years on charters yachts 30-56Mt.

I have an italian citizenship and a driver licence.

Essential qualities:

Customer Service with attention to detail and excellent ability to adapt to any situation.
Understands the concepts of privacy and confidentiality.
Resilient to stress and able to handle requests professionally and efficiently.
Proven ability to establish and maintain excellent communication and relationships with owners, guests and colleagues. Excellent time management skills combined with a superior knowledge of the customer service industry.

I'm attaching my resume, and I'll be waiting for your response.

Best regards,

Natalia Oprea 

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