Assistante personnelle, Assistant manager

Confidential candidate

I’m a higly experienced assistant with strong organizational, multitasking, and cosmopolitan communicational skills. I’m fluent in English. Spanish. French. Italian and Portuguese

As a Certified Google Educator Level I, my experience working in a fast-paced environment and juggling multipleonline tasks simultaneously is huge. These chores could include organizing calendars, taking notes, scheduling meetings, making travel arrangements ( I’ve handled my own travel agency before the pandemics), and managing expense reports. I am also adept at handling administrative tasks such as preparing documents, updating databases, arranging webinars, and effectively emailing! Additionally, I have a proven record of providing excellent customer service and support (A Recomendation Letter from Maison de Champagne Taittinger)

I have a keen eye for detail and a strong commitment to accuracy. Understanding the importance of confidentiality, discretion, and professionalism is are a must. I am also a quick learner and have a knack for picking up new skills and technologies.

Passionate about providing excellent service and exceeding expectations. I am confident that I can provide the highest level of assistance and support for your team. I’ll be eager to discuss my qualifications in more detail and I’d be pleased to help your team achieve its goals.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Karen Wermeister

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